

We find you the right business or company to buy at the right price and on the right terms and conditions. As business buyers advocates we are exclusively working for you and will assist you through the purchase process


Looking for a business to buy

We can do the business search Searching for a business to buy can be a time consuming, costly and frustrating exercise. There are tens of thousands of businesses advertised for sale at any one time.

Let us do the business search for you and save you time and money

Let us help

Found a business but need some help

We can investigate the business for you Is it profitable? Can this business grow and provide the returns you are after? Before placing an offer, let BBA assist you in determining whether the business is in fact profitable and worth buying even before discussing price. Too many buyers have been burnt buying unprofitable businesses. Don’t let this happen to you

Found the business

Ready to buy but want to get the best deal

We can do the negotiating for you Buying a business is an emotional time and too many buyers become personally committed to buy and lose all negotiating power. Let BBA negotiate on your behalf to get you the right business on the right terms at the right price and save you thousands of dollars

Time to negotiate

Looking for a targeted corporate acquisition

We can find the company for you
Let BBA discreetly search for your next corporate acquisition. BBA specialises in Identifying “off market” companies for potential sale. Engaging BBA to do your search for suitable acquisitions will get you results

Off market

Private Equity Firm or investor looking for investment opportunities

We can find the investment that matches your charter Let us know what you are looking for and we will find it.

By knowing your charter and investment guidelines, we can identify investments or acquisitions that would be of interest to you

Private Equity

International Buyer investing in Australia

We can help you find your investment in Australia Let BBA help you throughout the acquisition process of buying a business or company in Australia

An international Buyer.
Australian Business Buyers Agency

Let us help you find the right business to buy.

Whether a first time buyer or an experienced buyer, the challenge is to find the right business to buy on the right terms and at the right price.

BBA has a range of professional services available to assist you throughout the purchase process. If you are searching for a business to buy, let us assist you and save you time, money and stress. You can spend and waste so much time and money with conventional business searching methods and still not identify a business that suits your needs.

There are thousands of businesses on the market at any one time but unfortunately not all businesses are as they appear. Some businesses advertised for sale are not for sale, may not exist and many can be old listings or have already been sold.

Many businesses are not even advertised to the public and are sold privately, hence you may not even get a look in.

Dealing with business brokers or agents can be helpful, however remember that they act for the vendor and not you and only have a limited number of businesses in their books at any one time.

To help you with your search, we will assign a personal business manager to be fully responsible for your business search and keep you updated on the progress. Businesses identified will be verified for accuracy and currency.

BBA are business buyer’s agents. Our interest is to find you the right business at the right price and get you the best deal. BBA can further assist with investigating the business in more detail through to negotiating and settlement.

Contact BBA to discuss what type of business you are looking for
Australian Business Buyers Agency

Found the business - let us help you investigate it.

Some buyers have spent many hours searching for a business to buy and have spoken to many business brokers over their journey.

The business broker represents the seller and whilst may be able to assist a buyer and provide information relevant to the business, their responsibility and duty is with the seller.

Brokers are engaged to obtain the highest sale price for the business which is linked directly with their commission. The more they get for the seller, the more they receive in commission. The broker does not work for you, the buyer.

When a buyer has identified a business that is aligned with their search criteria, it can be a relief. Their searching is finally over. They have found the business they want to buy.

Now is the time to take the emotion out of the search and closely assess the Business Profile or Information Memorandum provided, in particular the businesses financials. If the business broker cannot provide the basic information to initially assess the business be wary. Be particularly concerned if the business is advertised as a Walk In Walk Out (WIWO).

If you are not experienced in assessing a business, seek assistance. Your accountant or buyers advocate is a good source to review the financials and provide an overview of the financial viability of the operations.

BBA can conduct the business assessment. Our in house accountants review the business from all aspects including but not limited to profitability, leases, staffing, operations and ultimately addressing the asking price and determining a suggested purchase price with suitable terms and conditions.

Whilst we are not sworn valuers, our experience and understanding of the market and industry movement enables us to assess the value of a business based on turnover, EBIT or market comparisons. Whilst a business broker may appear helpful, do not rely on their recommendations alone. Many businesses losing money have been sold to buyers that have not done their homework or sought third party independent advice.

BBA can assist you with your business investigations and help you determine whether the business is worth buying and at what price.

Found a business – Have BBA get you the facts and see if it “stacks Up”.
Australian Business Buyers Agency

Time to negotiate - let our negotiation experts get you the best deal.

Our professional negotiators can help you save thousands of dollars by negotiating on your behalf the purchase price and the terms and conditions of the offer.

The greatest savings to be made on a business purchase is at the negotiation table. Negotiations are not just about price but also include various conditions and timing of events.

BBA are professional negotiators. We know how businesses are priced and marketed and understand the issues and conditions of a purchase to provide the best deal for a business buyer. BBA takes the emotion out of negotiations and deals directly with the brokers, agents or sellers, to obtain the best price and conditions for the buyer.

Our negotiation fees are fixed and agreed so the buyer can assess all costs relating to the purchase. A fixed fee is transparent whereby a percentage fee charged on the purchase price is not in the buyer’s interest. Notwithstanding typically the savings made on negotiations far exceed the negotiation fee.

BBA takes the emotion out of dealing with business brokers. Brokers rely on many tactics, particularly when dealing with an inexperienced or over enthusiastic buyer, to get the maximum price for their client. Having BBA negotiate on your behalf will get you the best result. The brokers know it.

Having BBA as your professional negotiators to purchase a business will save you thousands of dollars. BBA will ensure your offer covers all conditions and forms part of a Heads of Agreement and/or contract of sale. Our professional negotiators will make sure you get the best deal.


We assist through till settlement

Signing a Heads of Agreement is just the beginning. The business purchase may be subject to finance, landlord approval, franchisor approval, dependant on a successful due diligence or trial period. BBA will work in coordination with your accountant and solicitor to ensure you have the support throughout the purchase process.


We can provide the resources.

With our extensive network of professional advisors, we can provide the professional resources, which include accountants, financiers and solicitors, if required.

Have a dedicated BBA negotiator close your deal. Contact us to find out how.
Australian Business Buyers Agency
Find the company for you

Off market acquisitions – Let’s be discreet

BBA has represented various private equity firms, companies and investors searching for opportunities to acquire and/or invest in specific companies, many “off market”.

In most cases, BBA is engaged to search and investigate suitable acquisitions as per a specific brief. The brief typically specifies the industry, product/service, size, location and desired KPI’s that will form part of the search criteria.

BBA has set systems and procedures to identify businesses that match the client brief and typically complete a broad sweep of those company matches. Our approach is discreet and confidential. At these early stages it is a general enquiry with the identity of our client not revealed.

After consultation with our client, we further short list the companies and businesses that may be suitable and make direct contact. Our involvement may simply be to introduce both parties or be actively involved in investigating the company in more detail, preparing a business assessment or assisting through to negotiations.

The BBA approach turns companies that are not for sale for sale.

For more information on Corporate Acquisitions, please contact us direct for a confidential chat

Private Equity - looking for an investment opportunity.

Looking for corporate acquisitions, mergers, joint ventures, expansion and growth investments or management buy outs. BBA can assist you Find out more.

For more information on corporate acquisitions
Searching for a business to buy
Investment in Australia

An International Buyer? - Let's guide you through the process.

BBA is a priority contact for international buyers interested in purchasing businesses or companies in Australia. So if you're looking to invest in Australia, BBA can help you.

Whether you are after a small business or large corporate acquisition, BBA is able to assist you with your Australian Investment requirements. BBA works closely with those applying for both business and significant investment visas in addition to international investment private equity companies.

BBA also offers a network of resources to assist a buyer through the Australian foreign investment guidelines.

Have BBA represent you in finding the right business to buy. Whether direct or through your Business Migration representative, BBA can assist you with finding the right business in Australia.

To discuss your personal requirements or to arrange a meeting with a BBA agent please contact us.

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