Private Equity M & A


As independent corporate buyer advocates BBA is able to direct corporate sales and investments to its network of specific Private Equity Firms, corporate buyers and investors.

BBA can help you

BBA has an excellent network of Private Equity Firms and Family Office investors that are keen on opportunities for acquisitions, mergers, capital raising, expansion and debt financing.

In many cases, these firms are looking to work alongside founders and management to achieve growth opportunities, sometimes with a minority shareholding and a long term vision.

Private Equity Firms and Family Office investors have their own charter as to what they will acquire or invest in and to what amount. Some firms have a $20m cap whilst others exceed $500m.

Some require an outright acquisition or a majority shareholding and others will position themselves with a minority holding.

The firm’s current investment portfolio also has a significant impact on how they will view investment or acquisition opportunities. In some cases a bolt on business may be an ideal opportunity for growth and in other cases it is not of any interest as it’s a direct competitor to an existing investment in their portfolio.

Knowing these firms, knowing what these firms are looking for in terms of industry sector and to the extent of their investment and equity requirements is where BBA can help.

There is no cost involved to you to have a confidential chat with BBA to discuss how we may be able to help you.

What our Private Equity firms and investors are interested in

BBA has developed relationships with leading Private Equity Firms and Family Offices with a view to presenting business opportunities that arise in terms of:

  • Corporate Acquisitions
  • Company Mergers
  • Joint Ventures
  • Equity Capital Raising
  • Succession Planning
  • Vendor Exit Options
  • Shareholder Restructures
  • Expansion and Growth
  • Management Buy Outs

Private Equity Firms have their own charters which include specific industries, locations and sectors. Each firm has their guidelines in terms of required revenue, EBITDA and expected shareholding arrangement.

BBA can match your company with suitable investors.

Why use BBA to help you find your ideal partner

Private Equity Firms and Family Office investors are consistently contacted by banks, accountants, advisors and business brokers to consider investment or acquisition opportunities.

In some cases, the opportunity summary may be sent to a multitude of investment firms as a general approach and other times there are specific firms contacted and supplied an information memorandum.

In each case, it can be a time consuming exercise for both the vendor’s representative and the equity firm or office. It may be a hit and miss or a miss altogether. Confidentiality is critical and communication vital.

BBA has been dealing with many Private Equity Firms and Family Funds and is continuing to do so. We know what firms are looking for, or not looking for, we understand their charter and investment criteria. We know their investment spend and “sweet spots” We know what is a good investment acquisition for them and what is not.

Whether you are a bank advisor, accountant, financial advisor, business broker or company CEO and have a company or client that is seeking private equity or investor involvement, have BBA assist you with targeting firms that will be interested in your situation.

A BBA recommendation to an equity firm or investor means that this business is aligned with their acquisition/shareholding charter and should be considered for further investigation.

Have BBA find your ideal partner

With a large portfolio of Private Equity Firms and Family Company investors, BBA can identify which companies match with which investors.

As an independent facilitator, BBA is assisting both parties, recommending the company as an investment or acquisition opportunity with firms that would be interested in investing into or acquiring the company.

Rather than a mail out to Private equity Firms in Australia and overseas, and hoping for a response or dealing only with a few selected firms, which may or may not be a match, have BBA use their experience, contacts and knowledge to match the business with its portfolio of firms that will be interested in a purchase or investment on the company terms.

There is no cost involved to you to have a confidential chat with BBA to discuss how we may be able to help you.


BBA can assist Private Equity Firms, International buyers and Family Office Investors to find suitable company acquisitions that match their investment brief. With a knowledge of the firms charter and specific acquisition and investment KPI’s , BBA is able to identify and introduce companies either for sale or looking for investors that match a specific brief or company charter.

Specific targeted searches

BBA specialises in searching for companies “off market” for acquisition. An “off market purchase”, is a business or company that was not for sale or advertised for sale but has ultimately been acquired.

An “off market” acquisition requires a strategic company search to identify those companies that match the brief and specific benchmarks. BBA has an extensive search band and a team of researchers whose role is to identify companies of interest.

Companies of interest are investigated and if suitable in terms of the brief provided are short listed for contact.

BBA approaches company decision makers directly in a discreet and confidential manner. Our client is not revealed nor will any information be forwarded to our client until Confidentiality Agreements are signed.

The purpose of the initial contact is to determine the potential of sale and to gather information to support further investigation.

BBA becomes the facilitator to introduce companies for potential acquisition to investors that are specific to an investor’s needs.

BBA is able to facilitate a sale of a company that was not for sale.

Corporate Buyers Advocate Service

BBA provides a corporate buyer service for Private Equity Firms and Investors looking for companies for

  • Acquisitions
  • Company Mergers
  • Joint Ventures
  • Equity Capital Raising
  • Succession Planning
  • Vendor Exit Options
  • Shareholder Restructures
  • Expansion and Growth
  • Management Buy Outs

BBA is able to present companies for acquisition or investment purposes knowing that these opportunities are aligned with your firm’s charter.

Contact BBA to discuss your requirements and how BBA may be able to assist you

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