For corporate acquisitions, being discreet is the number one priority. Investigating businesses that match specific Key Performance Indicators, researching their performance and making contact as an independent third party is a skill that requires timing and understanding.
Companies and private equity firms are continually looking to expand their portfolio or acquire a bolt on business to compliment their current operations.
Typically these acquisitions are in the $5m - $50m purchase range and in most cases the businesses are not advertised for sale and in many cases are not even on the market. They don’t know they are about to be sold.
Being discreet is a number one priority with corporate acquisitions. Acting on behalf of the potential buyer to identify businesses that match their KPI brief is a specialist area. Investigating the businesses, researching their performance and if a suitable match, making contact as an independent third party enquiry requires timing and sensitivity.
In many cases the company may have not considered selling until approached. In private family company operations, succession planning is a topic that may never have been addressed. Discussions of this nature usually raises the issue of the option to sell
All businesses are for sale and the skill is to ensure the result is a win/win for both parties involved.