BBA is an exclusive business buyer agency. Whilst we deal with business brokers every day we are not affiliated with any and are totally impartial. When we research business for our clients, we have NO obligation to a broker or brokerage firm - we are totally independent.
Buying a business is a risky business . There are many businesses for sale by vendors wanting out - transfer/dump/ pass on their problems onto someone else.
When buying a business it is highly recommended that you get independent third party advice. In many cases that may be an accountant or solicitor.
Mind you, not all accountants are involved in business sales and whilst they will have your interest as a priority, generally they are conservative by nature. It is easier to advise a client not to buy rather than buy.
Notwithstanding a deal is never done without risk and it’s about mitigating the risk factor.
BBA is an exclusive business buyers agency. Whilst we deal with business brokers every day we are not affiliated with any and are totally impartial. When we look at a business we have NO obligation to a broker or brokerage firm - we are totally independent.
BBA can help you find the right business and assist you with investigating it - to see if it “stacks up”
BBA can help you discover the facts and highlight the reasons to buy and the reasons not to buy. When looking at a business to buy it’s not necessarily the information provided that forms a decision but the information NOT provided.
BBA can assist you with negotiating the offer. Business Brokers get paid commission, which can be up to 8% of the sale price, when they sell, so it is their motivation to get the highest price for their clients and for them- fair enough.
At BBA our job is the opposite. We take the emotion out of the deal and our professional negotiators will get you the best deal on the right terms at the right price.
Buying a business is a risk - minimise the risk.